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March 8th 2016

1:50 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by chris28

würde ich auch leaden. denke man negativ freerollt auch etwas gegen fish, wenn man xr statt zu leaden, da die meisten doch sehr low und valueheavy cbetten ip.

1:46 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by chris28

Flop und turn können wir nicht xr, da wir hart crushed sind auf dem board und vermutlich garnichts xr sollten um unsere range zu protecten. River serhe ich es auch so, das wir klar mehr qx haben.

March 7th 2016

3:57 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

you can bet it on the flop with hit+bdfd, but you shouldnt bet the turn. You should have xc the turn. We only 2nd barrell if we have a 3 streets value or a bluff. This is obv no 3 streets vlaue and its too good to bluff

3:56 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

thats the same spot a before. You should have bluffed the hand on the river. all your draws improve and thats the buttom of your rnage. If you want to be able to valuebet, you also need bluffs in this spot. But we do this against regs. You shoudlnt turn sdv into a bluff against fish, cause the dont understand you wont have a lot of bluffs in certain spots, and they wont be able to make tough folds

3:53 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

Its obv a fold on the flop, but if you have called that hand, you have to bluff it on the river, cause all your draws improve, and this is absolut buttom of your range. This is a bit advance, but you have to learn, whats the buttom of your range, and if you dont have any more bluffs like in this spot, you have to bluff the buttom of your range.

3:51 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

This is not good enough to call in the sandwich. 1. You can just make a 1card straight. So even you have a backdoordraw, its not worth alot. 2. a pocketpair is always worth less to call, then a made pair. So 87 would be a better call then 88, but both is still a fold in the sandwich

March 4th 2016

4:11 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

you have to change it against small stack sizes, and make the raise smaller. But you shouldnt have raised it anyway. I dont think that you can raise k9o vs utg limp. And the 2nd mistake was, that you should have cbettet the flop. As i said, with small stack sizes, you have to bet thiner.

11:21 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

Yeah you analysed it right. You can bet the turn, or xc. Bet you have to xf the river. You dont have a vlauebet there.

11:20 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

Yeah its a pretty close decision. You can call it, but i think we got enough better hit+draws to call. Its in the 3betpot, so we both have way stronger ranges. ITs pretty close.

11:18 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

2. Mistake is that you should bet way more thin, when you are playing effectivly that short. Vilain just has a 30bb stack, so we dont have to potcontrol. We can just bring it in on the flop. Risk reward is way better when you are short. When you are deep, he can presure you by raising, but he cant do it, when he is that short. You can just brin it in vs a raise. You cant note that you have to go for way more thin vlaue, when you are short

11:15 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

1. mistake is the preflop isolation raise. its too loose. Espacially because villian is too short, and he will reraise preflop too often.

11:14 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

sizing is too big, but you shouldnt raise it anyway. we are in position, so we can control the size of the pot very good. And in 3 betpot you dont have to open a 4th valuestreet by raising, cause you can get it in even without raising. on the turn the pot would be about 11$. He bets 6 and the river pot is 23$ and he has left 13$. So we dont need to raise, to get it in, and we give villian also the opportunity to bluff. You can not, that you should never raise the flop or turn in 3betpots when you are ip and play for 100bb

February 26th 2016

10:54 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

you shouldnt have cbettet flop, cause trips a full in his range and we dont have 3 streets value

10:53 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

no you shouldnt bet the turn, cause you should just 2ndbarrell if your have 3 streets value. This hand is well played. I just wanted to let you know, that you can call this riverraise, because we are top of our range. we have nearly no better hand and this hand is not a pire bluffcatcher cause villian could raise worse flushes too

10:51 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

its a fold on the flop. You have to adjust, that this is a 4betpot. So you dont have any worse hand, even with the bdfd. And on the turn it doesnt matter if your ip or op, cause villian is allin. the only reason we are calling ip draws without sdv, is that we can bluff the river if he checks and alos can potcontrol better, if we make the flush. But when he is allin, it doesnt matter.

10:47 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

No, you can tripple barrel this hand. You need more then 50% against his callingrange on all streets. On flop its a obv vlaubet. On the turn, he will still have to call any Ax, hit+draw, 2pair and better. And on the river he will fold all hit+draw and call ax+. you still have valuebet there. But you obv have to fold it vs the raise, cause we have a pure bluffcatcher and we are alos buttom of our range.

10:41 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gala-05

bora, da lernste nichts darauß einfach nur zu fragen ob call oder fold. Versuche das selbst zu erörtern und begründe was du für richtig hälst

February 19th 2016

1:42 pm Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

again gameplan is just an orientation. We cant play the same in Btn vs bb single raise pot or in utg vs co 3betpot. You have to fold low pocketpairs, if the ranges hit the board this good

5:49 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

The turn is a fold. You have a redraw, buts its the buttom end of a 1 card straight, the board is paired and you are oop. Also the river is no riase. He has no hand he will call here, we can beat. He cant think in absoult handstrenght. Villian will never valuebet here anything worse then a J. You have to think in his perspektiv as it where yours. So when you raise here, we call it negativ freerolling. When he calls you even loose or split.

5:44 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

you should have checked the turn. you dont have a vlauebet anymore. Everything beats you. KQ, K9, Q9, KK, QQ, 99, 44, alot of flushes and also the striaght.

5:42 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01


5:42 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01


5:41 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

The flop is the bigger mistake. ITs a paired board board and its 3 way. 2 reasons to fold this gs. Maybe with a backdoor fd you could have called that, but even then its very close in this scenario

5:40 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

again you cant just play after gameplan. The gameplan is for loose ranges and if nothing special happens. But in this case, we are in 3betpot with strong ranges. Villan has alot of ax hands and any t is trips. You have to adjust to this.

5:38 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

turn is also wrong. Vs this small turn raise we should fold our buttom vlauerange. That would be our absolut buttom hand, and we should have foldet it.

February 16th 2016

5:35 am Commented On a hand uploaded by EinervondenDudes

Das du das Ad blockst,

1:42 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

IF a fish is involved its okay to call preflop. But you have to fold on the flop. ITs a 5way flop. And so you have to fold very high. Espacially after someone called the cbet, you cant call anymore. You will not have enough equity. You have to understand that you need way better hands, when you are multiway. Espacially in a 5way spots. The avarage handstrenght that goes to the river is way better then on a headsup flop. And you have to alteast have a hand that can improve to a strong hand. But here you cant even improve alot

1:38 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

No, he could easily have a onecard flush. Why shouldnt he checkbehind like 9hTs? We do the same. You cant valuebet on a 4 flush board with a 2pair. He has to many flushes, so you dont have more then 50% against his callingrange

1:36 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

So this is the next step we are going. In this situations you just have a bluffcatcher on the river. He wont valuebet a worse hand. So aslong you beat his bluffs, your hand is a bluffcatcher. So like any 3rd pair will beat all his bluffs, and is as good as toppair to bluffcatch. At this point its important to block villians valuerange. The biggest part of his valuerange are flushes. So we fold all hands that are not 2pair or better, and dont block the flush. And we will call 2pair+ and 3rd+ with flushblocker. Like for example Ac4h or TdJc

1:25 am Commented On a hand uploaded by gorkemgrkm01

first of all thats a preflop 3bet. we dont want to play multiway this hand, caus its already a good hand and doesnt have alot of potential to get a very strong hand. HAnds like AQ+ ann TT+ are not good to play multiway. So you have to 3bet them, to isolate a player or make the pot bigger, so that implieds are less important and your immediate hand stranght profits. And its obv no donk on the flop. Even if you donkt the flop you cant call the raise cause you are multiway, and you have to fold more. And on the turn its again no call, cause we have alot better hands to call with. like 2pairs or hit+draws

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